Selecting the best Cheap Dedicated Server for our needs can rob us of a lot of our time. Dedicated hosting is the type of web hosting where you do not have to share the resources of the server with any other use.
By choosing to use Cheap Dedicated Server, you will have two possibilities:
• manage server configurations and maintenance in total autonomy. This requires advanced specific knowledge.
Deploy Your Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting today!
Pick the Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting Plan

• choose a managed plan for dedicated servers, i.e., managed by the provider’s technicians.
Below are some reasons why Cheap Dedicated Server is the best option for sites where traffic is more:
Safety in case of Cheap Dedicated Server
If you choose to manage your dedicated servers directly, you will be responsible for installing firewalls and all the software necessary to protect your space from virus attacks, hackers, etc. In the case of shared servers, the hosting provider also takes care of this aspect.
As for shared hosting, the disadvantage is that it is used by multiple sites; they may be more vulnerable to attack by viruses and other types of malware.
Also, if you use shared hosting and one of the sites hosted on your own server conducts spam or illegal activities, your domain may also be blacklisted by search engines. In fact, search engines are now able to distinguish the sites hosted on the same server, even if they have the same IP address..
Dedicated server performance
At this point, if you understand what a Cheap Dedicated Server is, you will also have guessed that the performance is significantly higher than that of shared hosting. As we have already seen, all the resources are, in fact, dedicated to a single site.
On the other hand, the performance of a site on shared hosting also depends in part on the resources used by the other sites.
Flexibility of using resources
By choosing dedicated servers, you will have complete management flexibility. With a shared hosting plan, in addition to the basic options available at the time of purchase, you will not be able to customize your server but in the case of Cheap Dedicated Server, you can do it.
When to start with dedicated servers?
As you will have understood, dedicated servers offer maximum flexibility and better performance; however, they require more technical knowledge and involve responsibility, as well as higher investment.
If you are about to launch an online project or have just started a blog or website, you most likely won’t need a dedicated server.
In general, it is best to play in advance. If you notice that traffic to your site is growing steadily, plan to switch to a dedicated server before you experience actual problems such as overloading your shared hosting plan.
If switching to Cheap Dedicated Server seems like too drastic a choice, there is also a middle ground: you could try a VPS (virtual private server). For those who buy a VPS, this is “virtually” separate.
Managed or unmanaged dedicated server
Which solution to choose for a professional website or for your e-commerce? Do you want a service Managed Dedicated Server by the technicians of the provider who makes the service available, or do you want an independent platform to use the resources of a server by yourself?
Make your choice, evaluate every detail: on the Server plan page dedicated to this reality, you will find the details to make a thoughtful decision suited to your professional reality.
So choose the cheap VPS manage server with us at Onlive Server that best suits your needs and take your project to the next level.